Scotland's meat industry leaders declare they are looking for positive action on two key fronts this year.

Alan McNaughton SAMW president (left) and Geof Ogle ceo (right)

Alan McNaughton SAMW president (left) and Geoff Ogle CEO of FSS.

Alan McNaughton, president of the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW) said: "Delivering practical results from last year's Beef 2020 Report and the commissioning in April of Food Standards Scotland (FSS) are the development highlights which we believe can give fresh impetus to Scotland's meat chain this year."

Speaking after hosting a New Year seminar and lunch in Edinburgh, attended by 60 government and business leaders covering the meat trade, farming and food sectors, Mr McNaughton highlighted how the challenge now, in the aftermath of the Beef 2020 Report, will be to deliver the right investment and growth opportunities for the beef chain.

The SAMW event was addressed by Geoff Ogle, director of the Food Standards Agency in Scotland until the end of March, and chief executive designate of FSS from April 1, and Jim McLaren, chairman of Quality Meat Scotland and the driving force behind Beef 2020.

On the prospect of working with the new FSS, Mr McNaughton commented that SAMW was looking forward to building a: "Constructive, fruitful and beneficial relationship" with the new organisation to secure better outcomes for consumers and industry than has been achieved in the past.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.