The Sustainable Food Trust has encouraged the House of Lords to protect small abattoirs following a new briefing on the Agriculture Bill.

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Patrick Holden, CEO of the Sustainable Food Trust.

The briefing calls for support on an amendment tabled by Lord Trees, Baroness Ann Mallalieu, Baroness Jones of Whitchurch and Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville which seeks to add the word 'slaughtering' to the list of ancillary services eligible for Government support.

According to the Member's explanatory statement, the amendment would: "Enable assistance to be given in an appropriate case to a licensed abattoir which, for example, provides a private kill service or enables slaughtering facilities in an area otherwise without adequate provision.”

"Retaining and enhancing our network of small local abattoirs in the UK is of critical importance for the future of sustainable local food systems and the survival of family farms."

The briefing, drafted by the Campaign for Local Abattoirs, makes the economic case for small abattoirs, pointing out that, as small abattoirs close, it is not simply the loss of a business but the loss of an entire supply chain which hinges on the existence of the small abattoir’s services.

Patrick Holden, CEO of the Sustainable Food Trust, said: "Retaining and enhancing our network of small local abattoirs in the UK is of critical importance for the future of sustainable local food systems and the survival of family farms.

“Small abattoirs enable farmers to sell direct to consumers and therefore add value to their products: this supports, in particular, smaller-scale farming systems, rare breeds, organic and pasture-fed livestock. However, for reasons largely beyond their control, many are going out of business and are in need of support."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.