This year saw six different charities share a total of £8,250 in gift support from the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).
The funds were raised during a charity auction at the SAMW’s 2016 conference and dinner and were presented to representatives of the organisations by SAMW president, Allan Jess, and executive manager, Ian Anderson.
"We’re pleased to have been able to continue our annual tradition of giving support to a range of charities which are selected by our own members, often because of help they’ve seen given to a family member or business colleague,” Jess said.
“The work being done by each of the charities we were able to support this year is extremely valuable and we’re grateful to those whose conference donations enabled us to help fund the six which were selected this year.”
The three main charities to receive SAMW support in 2016 were British Polio Fellowship (£2,000), Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance (£2,000) and Urological Cancer Charity (£2,000). A further £2,250 was shared between UNICEF, Alzheimers Research UK and Hillhouse children’s charity in Ayrshire.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.