Jack Walton is travelling the length of the UK this summer, visiting livestock markets in aid of raising money for farming charities.
Jack, aged 18, is planning to visit 25 livestock markets in a six week period including Stirling, Ackling-ton, Longtown, Worcester and Hereford.
The full journey will take him from Dingwall Livestock Market in Scotland to Truro Livestock Market in Cornwall.
Jack will be raising money on the way for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) and the RSABI (formerly known as the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution); both charities sup-port the farming communities in times of financial difficulty.
Jack said: “For as long as I can remember I have loved attending livestock markets with my grandfa-ther Michael Walton, I was always itching to have a go on the rostrum. I have been lucky enough to help at Worcester Livestock Market for the last three years where I have learnt many skills.”
When Jack arrives at each market he will set up a display about the charities and his sponsors. He hopes that each market will allow him to auction a pen of sheep with the market’s commission for that pen being donated to the fund. In addition he will have collection buckets.
Jack has already secured sponsorship for his journey from the Three Counties Agricultural Society where CEO Ken Nottage said: “This is a fantastic and unique idea to raise money for charities which are close to our hearts at Three Counties.
“Over the year’s Jack has become a valuable asset to Three Counties, helping out at many of our shows including our flagship Royal Three Counties Show - so we know first-hand that Jack is a re-markable young man who has not only had a good idea, but he’s also got the get up and go to actu-ally make it happen.
“We wish Jack every success on his journey.”
Pending A-Level exam results, Jack is heading off in September to the Royal Agricultural University to study Rural Land Management.
If you would like to sponsor Jack Walton on his journey, you can email hanleysuffolks@gmail.com or donate directly to the charities via this VirginMoneyGiving page.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.