Speaking to the BBC earlier today Tesco's chief executive Philip Clarke pledged to shorten the meat production chain so it is: "Closer to home." That may be beginning with chicken as Tesco has said that by July all its chicken meat will come from British farms. He also said that a new testing process will mean that consumers can be sure that what is in the packet will be reflected on the label.
"The testing regime is intended to ensure that if it is not on the label it is not in the packet, if it is beef, it is beef and nothing else. And that is the most comprehensive testing regime I have ever seen, and it's happening right now.
"The second thing is we're going to bring meat production a bit closer to home. We do buy some, particularly our frozen products, out of Europe and as we can we'll bring it closer to home. And the third thing is we're going to have more partnerships, more collaboration with farmers."
Clarke will be speaking to the NFU conference later on today.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.