Imports of beef to the UK in 2021 rose year-on-year whilst lower volumes drove an overall decline in exports.

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Referring to data from the HMRC IHS Maritime & Trade – Global Trade Atlas®, AHDB reported that during December 2021, the UK imported 23,300 tonnes of fresh and frozen beef, down 9% year-on-year. This brought total imports for 2021 to 241,300 tonnes, up 4% compared to 2020 and up 1% on 2019.

For most of 2021, import volumes generally followed an upward trend compared to 2020, having been significantly lower in the first quarter immediately following the Brexit deadline. AHDB reported that as the foodservice market continued to reopen in the UK, and traders worked through new post-Brexit requirements, volumes rose to meet demand. Lower domestic production was also recorded at this time.

Volumes of imported boneless fresh beef increased the most in actual terms, while fresh carcases declined. AHDB said that this was likely due to service rising demand from the eating-out market and potentially ease pressure on abattoirs amid COVID-related staff shortages.

The UK imported more beef from both the EU and outside the bloc. The report found that Ireland contributed the most to the overall increase in UK import volumes.

In value terms, an 11% increase in the overall average price of beef imported into the UK took the total value of shipments to £1.05 billion.


In December 2021, the UK exported 10,500 tonnes of fresh and frozen beef, down 5% year-on-year. This brought total exports for the full year to 102,900 tonnes, down 12% compared to 2020. Export volumes grew as the year progressed as trading requirements were worked through and foodservice demand increased within the EU.

AHDB reported that lower volumes sent to the EU drove the overall decline, as the total volume of beef sent elsewhere was relatively unchanged year-on-year. Within EU shipments, the largest declines were in volumes sent to the Netherlands and Ireland. For non-EU exports, more was sent to Iran, the Philippines and the US, but less to Hong Kong.

The overall value of shipments in 2021 fell 5% year-on-year to £364.1 million.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.