The National Pig Association (NPA) has unveiled a new consumer-facing website to reinforce the #PutBritishPorkOnYourFork banner campaign.

NPA PutBritishPorkonYourFork banner

Source: NPA

The website gives information about the benefits of British pork, such as its 'unique diversity of production systems to meet all price points.'

Visitors to the website can read statements about how British pork is responsibly produced, including a 63% reduction in antibiotic usage since 2015, environmentally sustainable and produced to high welfare standards, 'all independently assured and robustly audited'.

There is also a food gallery promoting recipes and links to the Love Pork website.

Site visitors are encouraged to show their support for the British pig sector by looking for Red Tractor and RSPCA Assured logos and the Union Jack on packaging, and choosing British rather than EU products.

It is also suggested that users should write to their MPs to ask them to support British pork, including putting pressure on the government to prioritise British pork in its public procurement policy.

“As the website says, all consumers should be able to choose British pork if they want to,” said NPA chief executive Zoe Davies. “Buying British doesn't mean that it is automatically more expensive, and by supporting British farmers you are making a better choice environmentally and for pig welfare.”

Dr Davies added: “This has been a tough time for British pork producers. We have got a great story to tell and we want to reach out to consumers, retailers and government to tell them what a fantastic job our pig farmers do and why they should always #PutBritishPorkOnYourFork!”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
