The Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is looking for five enthusiastic producers from the beef and lamb sector and one independent applicant to join the EBLEX Board.

Applications to fill the positions are being invited now, with selection being made by a panel containing AHDB board members. Successful applicants will take up their positions with EBLEX in April 2014.

EBLEX is the beef and lamb division of AHDB and works to enhance the profitability and sustainability of the sector through a diverse programme of activity, including research and development, marketing, events and communications.

Its 14 board members shape ongoing strategy and ensure that it serves the best interests of producers and processors linked to the beef and sheep meat industry. The board meets six times a year, with members appointed for a three-year term.

John Cross, EBLEX chairman, said: “The EBLEX board helps drive the strategic direction of the division, as well as ensuring value for money is at the heart of what we do.

“We are recruiting six new board members in one go to replace current members who have come to the end of their allowable term. It is a big change in one go and we are eager to ensure we attract the right kind of applicants to maintain the high standards that the current board has set.“We are looking for farmers with drive and passion for the industry to bring their expertise to the table, as well as an independent who has no background in the beef and lamb sector to offer a different type of input and bring a different set of skills.

“I find working for this board incredibly rewarding, as do the other members, and I am sure the new members will get a lot out of it also.”

The boards of all AHDB sectors are governed by statutory instrument which dictates that board members be appointed rather than elected.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on December 10, 2013.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.