Meat industry Livery company, the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) has elected its new Master as part of the annual 2024 Common Hall ceremony, held at Butchers’ Hall in London.

John Allton Jones 2

John Allton Jones was elected as Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers.

John Allton Jones, former CEO of Smithfield Foods, was elected Master as part of the historic ceremony held today [Thursday 12th September]. The new Court made up of Wardens and Assistants has also been elected during the formal proceedings.

The WCB is one of the oldest of the 110 City of London Livery Companies and can trace its roots back to 975AD.

Held on the second Thursday of September each year, the Common Hall ceremony follows on from a church service at the nearby St Bartholomew The Great, where a number of the Company’s artefacts are displayed.

As part of the ceremony, the outgoing Master and the Court process from Butchers’ Hall to the church and then returns to the Hall for the election. A recent and enjoyable tradition is the taking of wine at Founders’ Hall by the Court as they process to church, and a similar imbibing at the Hand and Shears public house on the return journey.

The Common Hall election process and confirmation of all the appointments is followed by a lunch attended by Liverymen and their guests.

Former (2023) WCB Court outside hall

The 2023 WCB Court assembled outside Butchers’ Hall, London, ahead of the Common Hall ceremony. 

The New Master

John Allton Jones, the new Master, has held various high-profile positions within the UK meat sector over the years, namely leadership roles with Smithfield Foods, The Norwich Food Company and Origin Foods Limited.

As part of the Butchers Livery, he has served on the Court for several years - most recently as the Renter Assistant for immediate past Master Chris Wood. Allton Jones has also played a significant part in the Livery’s charity work, taking on the position of Charities Chairman.

Commenting on his election, John Allton Jones said that he was “delighted and humbled to have been elected Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers.” He takes very seriously the responsibility of his new role and is looking forward to working closely with the industry and the City of London.

This year’s ceremony also marked the end of Chris Wood’s term as Master. Speaking about his experiences, Wood commented: “Both my wife Fiona and I have had an amazing year; we have been to countless events, eating and drinking across the City, representing our highly regarded Livery. The immense honour bestowed upon us both will undoubtedly mean that the last year is retained in our memory as a cherished highlight of our lives.”

For more details about the Worshipful Company of Butchers go to: