AHDB Beef and Lamb is now recruiting consultants, advisers or vets for a new industry training scheme looking to further develop the expertise in the English beef sector.

EBLEX determined to help boot roast category.

The programme will consist of five meetings to be held from December 2015 to December 2016. They will cover the technical aspects of breeding, health and fertility, feed and forage, selection for slaughter and business improvements. If successful, it is expected that a similar sheep scheme will be run next year.

“We want to help develop beef expertise to ensure well-trained and experienced consultants and advisers continue to be available to the beef industry,” said Liz Genever, senior beef and sheep scientist at AHDB Beef and Lamb, and the scheme co-ordinator.

“The Developing Beef Expertise programme will produce a group of trained consultants and advisers that can be used to deliver at AHDB Beef and Lamb events and help develop written material. In addition, the consultants and advisers involved would be more aware of the tools and technical information available from AHDB Beef and Lamb.”

Each meeting will be held over two days and count as ten hours of CPD. The meetings will be interactive and aimed at delivering knowledge that can be readily communicated to clients to benefit their businesses.

For more information or to apply click here. Completed forms should be emailed to sarah.pick@ahdb.org.uk by 12th October.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.