All Training & Education articles
Agricultural Technology student awarded LMC bursary
The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland has awarded its annual bursary to BSc Hons Agricultural Technology student, Jane May.
LMC opens bookings for school cooking demonstrations
LMC has opened bookings for its fully funded primary school cooking demonstrations.
IoM and WCB celebrate apprenticeships at annual prizegiving
In addition to applauding the achievements of exceptional individuals and organisations at its annual awards, the IoM and WCB had further reason to celebrate.
LMC launches red meat workshops to upskill teachers
The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland has announced a series of Red Meat Skills workshops, designed for GCSE and A-Level Food Science teachers.
QMS Global Burger Challenge 2025 launches
Young chefs and food innovators across schools in Scotland are being called to take part in the Global Burger Challenge for 2025, an initiative designed to educate pupils on the journey food takes from farm to fork.
New industry event from WCB features growth, resilience and leadership
The Worshipful Company of Butchers is hosting a day of inspiration at Butchers’ Hall on Wednesday 12th March 2025, led by Carol Glover – known as the ‘Maverick Maker’.
LMC launches 2024 bursary for higher education students
LMC is preparing to launch its 2024 £1500 third level education bursary, in partnership with CAFRE.
Labour donor to ask Government to remove meat from school menus
Labour donor Dale Vince OBE has stated his desire to remove compulsory meat and dairy from school meals across England.
Revised butchery apprenticeship secures additional Government funding
Food organisation FDQ has revealed that a newly revised Level 2 Butcher Apprenticeship has been approved by the Government and is now live for new recruits.
Animated videos to teach children about ‘farm to fork’
HCC has produced a set of animated videos following the Welsh farm to fork journey to promote Welsh red meat to schoolchildren.
HCC announces winner of 2024 Scholarship
HCC has announced the winner of its 2024 HCC Scholarship, which supports a research project focused on the red meat industry.
HCC teaches 1,100 children about red meat production
Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales has delivered 40 red meat sessions to over 1,100 children across Wales.
University of Reading purchases farm to advance livestock research
A 635-acre farm site has been purchased by the University of Reading as part of its plan to invest in research areas for agriculture and food.The farm will build on existing agriculture research, which includes research that looks at the health and welfare of farmed livestock.Tanners Farm in Farley was ...
HCC spotlights red meat resources for teachers in newsletter
Teachers across Wales are being encouraged to sign up for Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales' (HCC) newsletter, which will focus on red meat, cooking skills and nutrition.The HCC cookbook 'Our Kitchen - Cegin Ni' is one of the levy body's most popular education resources.The Kitchen Classroom – Gwersi ...
Royal visit for Festival of Learning charity event at Butchers' Hall
The Princess Royal was guest of honour at a Farms for City Children Festival of Learning event staged at Butchers' Hall, London on 11th June, organised in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB).HRH Princess Anne speaking with children at the FFCC Festival of Learning at Butchers' Hall.The Princess ...
LMC launches children's book on food and farming
A book designed to provide key stage two pupils with facts about food and farming has been developed and published by the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC).Trade body LMC has launched a book for children that promotes the importance of red meat within a healthy diet.The book, which is the ...
Meat Minds programme to develop young peoples' industry knowledge
Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has launched a programme recruiting young people from the red meat supply chain to develop their industry knowledge.HCC said the Meat Minds programme would aim to collect data and inform industry.The programme, named Meat Minds, will aim to bring individuals together to ...
LMC red meat workshops for teachers boost cookery skills
The Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) has organised interactive red meat workshops for teachers in Northern Ireland, helping them to develop their cooking skills.LMC education and consumer promotions manager Sarah Toland and LMC marketing placement student Jo-Anne McCay (second and third from left) pictured with teachers attending the workshop at ...
Nuffield scholar report highlights need for 'robust' livestock
Highlands-based beef and sheep farmer Vic Ballantyne NSch has published her Nuffield Farming report entitled 'Too fat? The role of body condition in maternal livestock in areas with extreme seasonal variability'.Vic Ballantyne presented her findings at the 2023 Nuffield Farming Conference in Exeter.The publication of the report was sponsored jointly ...
'Let's Change Lamb' campaign helps drive demand in France
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has announced it will be participating in a French promotional campaign to drive demand for lamb among younger consumers.The campaign will educate butchers on the cuts most appealing to younger consumers, in order to attract more buyers.France is the UK's largest market for ...