A Northumberland Q Guild butcher that has been serving its local communities for generations through its renowned travelling shop is looking to extend the lifeline service after acquiring a second vehicle.

Turnbulls Butchers Travelling Shop pic 1

Butcher Mark Turnbull, right, and Les Reay, of Catering Units, which converted the Alnwick butcher’s new travelling shop.

Turnbull’s Butchers in Alnwick has bought and adapted a van to supplement its existing travelling shop and the two vehicles are set to provide an extended ‘meals on wheels’ service five days a week to villages within a 20-mile radius of Alnwick.

The initiative is the brainchild of sixth generation family butcher Daniel Turnbull, 23-year-old son of the Market Street shop’s owner Mark Turnbull.

Daniel explained: “Generations of the Turnbull family have taken the wheel of our travelling shop – in fact, I’m told we first started delivering meat by horse and cart! For numerous years, it has provided a vital community service to our rural communities.

“It is much more than just a butcher’s shop on wheels. It is part of our heritage and has become an important resource for people of all ages in our surrounding villages, notably as a lifeline to the elderly and less able-bodied, who may find it difficult to get into town to shop with us.

“I may still be relatively young, but I fully recognise the value of not only maintaining, but also actually extending this key facility to our outlying communities with the purchase of a second vehicle.”

In fact, Daniel will himself be at the wheel of the new travelling shop, with dad Mark and Turnbull’s butchers Paul Leighton, Alan Hall and Philip Short also regularly helping to man both vehicles.

Mark Turnbull said: “Many of our travelling shop customers have become firm friends over many years – we have even served their parents, grandparents and great grandparents! The idea of extending this crucial support service is all down to Daniel and we are really proud of him for taking the initiative. “

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
