All Brexit articles – Page 2

  • brexit clock

    Meat industry reacts to EU NI Protocol proposals


    The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) and the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) have welcomed new plans for the post-Brexit agreement on trade with Northern Ireland, but remain cautious about its limitations.The European Commission has offered a series of arrangements to respond to the difficulties that people in Northern ...

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    Potential changes to NI Protocol on cold meat, says EU Commission VP


    European Commission vice president Maros Sefcovic has announced that the EU is preparing to present “far-reaching proposals” that could “dramatically” reduce the level of checks on goods.According to The Independent, Sefcovic is scheduled to table four papers on Wednesday 13th October to adjust the Northern Ireland Protocol. Measures included within ...

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    NPA reacts to PM’s comments on potential pig cull


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has said that Boris Johnson “played down the prospect of an on-farm welfare cull” during his interview with Andrew Marr on Sunday morning.Responding to Marr’s comment that more than 120,000 pigs would need to be killed and incinerated if there is “no answer” to the ...

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    NPA calls for butchery visas to tackle pig backlogs


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has urged the government to extend its offer of short-term visas to butchery workers to help avoid further disruption in the pig sector.NPA chief executive Dr Zoe Davies.The government has announced that up to 5,500 poultry workers will be able to work in the UK ...

  • lorry driver FMT

    Government looking at SAWS as solution to labour shortage


    George Eustice, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, has said the government was "looking at options", including the Seasonal Agricultural Workers' Scheme (SAWS), as a means of tackling the current workforce crisis. “Some real concerns”According to the BBC, Eustice said there are "some real concerns about ...

  • meat processing MM

    Food industry issues united call for Covid-19 Recovery Visa


    In a letter to the Prime Minister, organisations from across the food sector have asked for the urgent implementation of a Covid-19 Recovery Visa to help alleviate the current labour shortages.This follows an emergency roundtable convened by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), with representatives from the UK food supply chain, ...

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    Government promises intervention in CO2 shortages


    The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice, has said that ‘tens of millions’ could be spent in order to get CO2 production restarted in the UK.The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice.The minister told Sky News that the government has ...

  • meat worker MM

    AIMS calls for change to English language tests


    The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) has asked the government to reconsider the types of English language tests applicants for Skilled Worker Visas must take.Currently, there are two types of tests available through the government website. Skilled workers such as butchers and poultry processors fall into the same category ...

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    NPA warns CO2 shortage could mean “game over” for some producers


    Dr Zoe Davies, chief executive of the National Pig Association (NPA), has once again called for urgent action over the 110,000 pigs backed up on farms because of the ongoing labour and CO2 shortages.CO2 is used across the food and drinks industry, including for stunning animals at abattoirs before slaughter.Davies ...

  • Turkey

    UK CO2 shortages "could cancel Christmas", says Bernard Matthews boss


    Bernard Matthews boss Ranjit Singh Boparan has voiced concerns over the current gas shortages, warning that the crisis could jeopardise food supplies unless the government intervenes.The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) has also spoken out about the current CO2 shortages, warning of massive disruption to the supply chain when stocks ...

  • NFU President Minette Batters

    NFU report urges government to back British


    The National Farmers' Union (NFU) is calling on the government to ensure Britain’s food production will not slip below its current level of 60% self-sufficiency, alongside greater ambition in promoting British food at home and abroad to aid food security.NFU president Minette Batters.The call came on Back British Farming Day ...

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    Government pushes back border controls timetable


    A new timetable has been published by the UK government that details plans for introducing full import controls for goods being imported from the EU to the UK.According to guidance published on the government's website, a revised timetable will give businesses more time to adjust to new controls that will ...

  • Lorry driver shortage

    50,000 more HGV driving tests each year, DFT says


    The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced more HGV tests will be made available each year primarily by shortening the application process and the tests themselves.The government has announced plans to accelerate the process of obtaining an HGV driver licence as a means of tackling the nation-wide labour shortages. The ...

  • ian wright

    FDF warns supply chain disruption is here to stay


    The just-in-time supply system may never work again, resulting in "permanent shortages", according to the Food and Drink Federation's chief executive Ian Wright.FDF chief executive Ian Wright CBE.Addressing an event organised by the Institute for Government, Wright reportedly said that the labour shortage disrupting the food supply chain would get ...

  • Morrisons MM

    Labour shortage will raise prices, says Morrisons


    The supermarket chain said that the current shortage of HGV drivers was part of a number of factors driving some "industry-wide retail price inflation” expected during the second half of the year.Morrisons said that the company was “working hard” to address the continued challenges of Covid-19 and sustained supply chain ...

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    Pig backlog on farms reaches 85,000 amid labour shortages


    The National Pig Association (NPA) has again urged the government to take immediate action to address the labour crisis crippling the food and farming sector. According to the association, the chronic shortage of labour affecting meat processing plants is causing a growing backlog of pigs on farms. There are currently ...

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    Pig processor shortages “an absolute crisis”, says NPA


    Chief executive of the National Pig Association (NPA), Dr Zoe Davies warned that British retailers may “look elsewhere” for their pork if the current labour shortages are not dealt with soon.The number of pigs estimated to be destroyed due to backlogs along the food supply chain is up from 70,000 ...

  • meat worker

    Labour shortages may lead to offshore production, says BRC


    Andrew Opie, director of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), has spoken out about the current workforce shortages, warning that factories “cannot recruit enough indigenous people.”Speaking at a session of the UK Trade and Business Commission, Opie said that the sector was “struggling” amid the current workforce shortages.According to a report ...

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    Backlogs on pig farms affecting carcase weights


    According to figures by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the ongoing labour shortages have had a knock-on effect on the rate of slaughterings and carcase weights.Around 70,000 pigs have been backed up on farms due to the workforce shortages, the National Pig Association (NPA) has estimated. The association ...

  • Container ship MM

    £2bn loss in food sales related to Brexit, FDF report finds


    The latest report from the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) shows a £2 billion loss in food sales has been attributed to a “drop in sales to the EU.”Sales of UK food and drink to non-EU countries were up 13%, accounting for 46.6% (£4.3 billion) of all UK food and ...