The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) has asked the government to reconsider the types of English language tests applicants for Skilled Worker Visas must take.

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Currently, there are two types of tests available through the government website. Skilled workers such as butchers and poultry processors fall into the same category as ‘Innovators, Students and Ministers of Religion’ as the test they take assesses their reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities.

The second application route offered to ‘Sportspersons, Representatives of overseas businesses etc’ assesses the applicant’s English language skills by their speaking and listening abilities.

Tony Goodger, a spokesperson for AIMS said: “It is AIMS’ view that it would be more sensible for the Home Office to introduce a two-tier Skilled Worker Visa system.”

Goodger went on to explain that the first tier, ‘Professional’, would establish an individual as meeting the requirements in reading, writing, speaking and listening in English. The second tier, 'Manufacturing', could be used to recognise the worker's ability to speak and listen in English.

He added: “We have raised this suggestion with our constituency MP, Rt.Hon. Rishi Sunak as we believe that this small change may just help to ease the current language issue within the points-based immigration system within the Skilled Worker Visa System.”

AIMS have also asked that the suggestion be brought to the attention of the Home Secretary, and that “she gives it her full attention.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.