The search for Britain’s best pork sausages is now underway and BPEX is calling for butchers and farm shops to enter their best home-produced quality pork sausages into its annual competition, taking place in the run up to British Sausage Week (3th-9th November 2014).

BSW 2014 Logo badge RT CMYK

Entrants can put their sausages forward to be judged by a team of leading industry experts in two categories:

Best Traditional Pork Sausage (which can include Cumberland or Lincolnshire).

Best Innovative Pork Sausage (which is designed to reward innovation). Here the judges will be looking for exciting flavours, packaging and even original shapes and sizes.

Head judge, BPEX butchery and product development manager, Keith Fisher, said: “Now in its 17th year, British Sausage Week is supported with a high profile consumer PR campaign designed to encourage consumers to celebrate sausages and the many ways they can be enjoyed.

“The competition recognises and rewards some of the best bangers in the business. It can be used as a promotional platform by retailers to promote their own quality sausages, driving sales and raising awareness of quality assured pork sausages.”

Taking part is extremely easy. Entries can either be made in three ways:

1. Submit your entry online at

2. Download and print an entry form here

3. Email to request an entry form

The closing date for entry is Friday 12th September 2014 and judging will take place on Tuesday 23rd September. All finalists will be invited to attend a presentation event to mark the start of British Sausage Week 2014.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.