A new survey by the RSPCA’s Freedom Food scheme has revealed some people don’t even know the basics when it comes to food and farming - even which farm animals fly and which ones walk.

When given a list of food delicacies - including two spoof ones - and asked to indicate which they had tried, one in 10 people astonishingly said they had tasted ‘chicken trotters’. In addition, eight per cent of the respondents said they had tried ‘pigs’ wings’.*

This is despite the fact that 72% of people questioned in the One Poll survey – carried out by the charity Freedom Food to mark Farm Animal Week (15th to 21st July) – said they had visited a real working farm with animals.

According to Freedom Food – the RSPCA’s food labelling scheme - it is time people re-connected with where their food comes from and the lives of the animals that produce it. The scheme’s chief executive, David Squair, explained: “There is no ‘might’ about it; some people actually think pigs do fly and chickens trot, so I’m not sure what animals they have seen when visiting farms. But all jokes aside, this is worrying".

“The majority of farm animals are kept in conditions which don’t fully meet their welfare needs. If people knew more about the provenance of the food they eat and the lives of the animals that produce it, they are more likely to care about how those animals are looked after.”

In response to the problem, throughout Farm Animal Week Freedom Food is asking people to help farm animals by finding out more about how they are reared and choose higher welfare labelled food such as Freedom Food, which means the farms have been monitored by the RSPCA.

“It’s simple really - the more people choose higher welfare labels like Freedom Food, the more farmers will be encouraged to adopt higher welfare standards and the more farm animals will have a better life,” continued Squair.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.