FDQ, a leading awarding organisation specialising in the food industry, has been officially approved by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) as an Apprentice Assessment Organisation (AAO).

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Derek Williams, FDQ director.

The organisation is now listed on the register of AAOs, and a new arm to the business has been launched. FDQ is rolling out an array of specialist apprentice end-point assessment products and services to food industry centres.

Derek Williams, FDQ director, said: “This news marks a successful conclusion to a rigorous approvals process, and the start of an exciting new era for our team and our food industry clients. Very much in-keeping with our specialist approach to the food industry, we believe that we are the first dedicated food-related AAO to be approved to date.

“We will begin 2016 by working with the meat and poultry industry - employers, training providers and colleges - to ensure that all English butchery apprentices from here on out will be able to meet the standards expected of them by the butchery industry as a whole.”

FDQ’s new status as an AAO means it is able to support the brand new Butchery Apprenticeship which was launched in late 2015.

Keith Fisher, chief executive of the Institute of Meat, offered his support on hearing the news this week. He said: “Many congratulations to FDQ in gaining official status as an AAO.

“Having worked closely with the Butchery Employer Trailblazer Group on the development of the new Butchery apprenticeship, I feel that I speak on behalf of much of the butchery industry when I say we are delighted to see you extend your reach into apprenticeships in this way. We know that this move will truly support the flow of high quality apprentices into the world of butchery.

“In fact, the timing could not be better, as the new Butchery apprenticeship standard went live in October 2015 and a higher standard is currently in development.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.