Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) marketing executives have met with representatives of Wales’s food innovation centres and leading training providers in the catering sector to discuss new ways in which lamb could boost the red meat industry.

Sheep in a field - photo credit EBLEX

According to research, developing new convenient options for customers could be worth £85 million to the lamb industry overall.

The cross-industry focus group heard that HCC is working with partners across the sector towards developing ideas at a “pre-competitive stage, which can help the whole red meat industry to attract new customers”.

According to research undertaken by HCC and the Kantar Worldpanel last year, developing new convenient options for customers could be worth £85 million to the lamb industry overall, particularly boosting the sales of premium PGI Welsh Lamb.

HCC’s marketing manager Rhys Llywelyn explained that “for lamb in particular, sales are higher among over-55s than the younger age groups” and added: “Research into the potential value of convenience meal options for attracting young consumers to lamb was undertaken by HCC last year, and work on developing ‘Ready to Cook’ and similar options is ongoing.”

Llywelyn also noted that following the meeting, the industry will “take this work forward over the next few months, looking at how we can identify funding for developing new types of lamb products, and showcasing some of the new ideas that are already in development at the Royal Welsh and other events.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
