According to the National Pig Association (NPA), Mick Sloyan has accepted the position of Pork Strategy director at AHDB as part of its current round of reorganisation.

BPEX director, Mick Sloyan

Mick Sloyan has accepted the newly created post as Pork Strategy director at AHDB Pork.

The first meeting of the new AHDB Pork board team was due to take place yesterday and was reported to be looking at the major topic of debate within AHDB – namely whether levy monies should be spent on strategic marketing.

According to the NPA, Defra is opposed to money being spent in this way, as voiced by AHDB chairman Peter Kendall who was reported recently as being critical of the Pulled Pork campaign.

However, on its website the NPA says the entire sector fully supports AHDB Pork’s chairman, Meryl Ward, something no other sector chief can convincingly demonstrate at present. It said: “We know your record and if you tell us the recent reorganisation at AHDB will be for the best… we trust you to deliver.”

Following a meeting of the NPA Producer Group it issued a statement about AHDB Pork saying: “We will remain a critical friend of the organisation to ensure that AHDB Pork continues to deliver the excellent service to levy-payers that they have rightly come to expect.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.