All News articles – Page 290

  • News

    Food manufacturing to benefit from Chancellor's budget says FDF


    Commenting on yesterday’s Budget Statement, Melanie Leech, Director General at the Food and Drink Federation, the voice of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, said: “Food and drink, the UK’s largest manufacturing sector will benefit from many of the changes to energy, investment, exports and skills policy announced in this budget ...

  • News

    Swedish supermarket giant to stock Welsh Lamb


    Europe’s largest supermarket is to introduce a range of Welsh Lamb products to its customers in Sweden.The new supermarket, located on the Swedish border, will open its doors in April and the lamb stocked on the shelves will be nothing but Welsh.This will be the first launch of PGI Welsh ...

  • The four scholars (front, L-R), Tom Oates, Lauren Turner, Josie Hatch and Sam Stephenson, with representatives of the sponsoring companies, BPEX and the National Pig Association.

    Scholarships draw students into pig industry


    Four students have won scholarships that should help them forge careers in the UK pig industry.The new BPEX Scholarships at Harper Adams University have been developed to encourage young adults into the pig sector. Each scholar receives £3,500 in sponsorship plus a guaranteed work placement with their sponsoring company. Subject ...

  • BPEX director, Mick Sloyan

    DAPP to be phased out


    The BPEX Board has agreed to launch new historical pig price reports that will replace the DAPP (Deadweight Average Pig Price) after a six-month transition period.BPEX director, Mick Sloyan: “I would strongly urge producers and processors not to use historical price reporting as a means to determine future pig prices. ...

  • News

    New Danish agreement aims to ensure improved welfare and future growth


    A new agreement for improving pig welfare standards has been reached between the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Dan Jørgensen, and organisations with an interest in pig production in Denmark.These include Denmark’s leading animal welfare campaigners, Dyrenes Beskyttelse (Animal Protection) and Dyrenes Venner (Animals’ Friends) and Landbrug & ...

  • Dominic Turner new MD of red meat at 2 Sisters Group.

    2 Sisters appoints new MD of red meat


    2 Sisters Food Group has appointed Dominic Turner as the new managing director of its red meat division, effective immediately.Dominic Turner, new MD of red meat at 2 Sisters Group.Bringing with him over 25 years experience in the meat industry, from the factory floor up, Turner assumes the post having ...

  • Ed Green

    New members appointed to EBLEX board


    The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has appointed seven new EBLEX board members to help in its work to add value to the beef and sheep meat industry.New farmer members are Ed Green, Peter Baber, Steve Conisbee, Philip Abbott, James Evans and Duncan Nelless. Gill Fine joins as independent ...

  • Alex James aims to set food world alight as a Red Tractor ambassador.

    Alex James hosts first red tractor recruit event


    Food writer, award winning cheese maker, musician and Red Tractor Brand Ambassador, Alex James, recently hosted a bonfire party for over 75 guests to celebrate a growing community of everyday people who have been recognised as Red Tractor Recruits.Alex James aims to set food world alight as a Red Tractor ...

  • The remarkable Clarissa Dickson Wright with past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, Jeffrey Davies.

    Meat champion Clarissa Dickson Wright dies aged 66


    Clarissa Dickson Wright, red meat champion and one half of the Two Fat Ladies cooking duo has passed away, aged 66.The remarkable Clarissa Dickson Wright with past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, Jeffrey Davies.A great champion of the red meat industry Clarissa was a Liveryman of the Worshipful ...

  • L-R: Snowbird's Roy Anderson and Philip Sharp.

    Snowbird pledges guarantee over casings


    Snowbird foods has taken what it calls a huge step in the sausage manufacturing industry by offering UK customers a guarantee that its fully cooked and frozen sausages are in natural casings sourced from British abattoirs and processed in the UK.The company is using the casings for its Gourmet and ...

  • News

    Pig & Poultry Fair sees media playing a key role in future success of the sector


    Harness the power of media to grow your business is the message to be delivered at a forum being held at this year’s British Pig & Poultry Fair.“The industry needs to make an emotional connection with its consumers,” says Malcolm Munro, a communications specialist who will be at the event. ...

  • News

    French chefs cook up top recipes


    Eight French chefs used Quality Standard beef and lamb at a top Paris food show to showcase a range of recipes.Vintage Beef Select and Cottage Lamb ranges, which are supplied to French restaurants, were showcased at the SuccessFood Show in Paris.The show, which attracts delegates from sectors including commercial and ...

  • Andrew Baillie: "“For the majority of meat wholesalers, the optimum beef carcase is conformation grade R or better, 4L for fat cover and weighing 340 – 360 kgs."

    Monitor Farm Group gain valuable feedback from abattoir visit


    “Think of the cattle you’re producing as food, and consider what the beef consumer wants.” This was the take-home message from Murray Hardy of Scotbeef abattoir near Stirling when he spoke to the Clyde monitor farm community group at the recent two-day monitor farm meeting.Andrew Baillie: "For the majority of ...

  • Home economists prepare food for judges at the MM Awards product judging.

    Meat Awards judging moves into day 2


    The home economists in the test kitchens at Harper Adams University are being kept busy on Day 2 of the product judging for the Meat Management Industry Awards.Home economists prepare food for judges at the MM Awards product judging.The morning kicked off with a mixture of sausages, bacon, cold eating ...

  • BBC 2014 LOGO_3.indd

    Record entries for England's Best Burger challenge


    Entry into this year’s ‘England’s Best Burger Challenge’ has now closed with a record number of burgers being entered across the four categories: Independent Butcher, Multiple Retailer, Foodservice and Premium Quality Innovative Burgers.The first round of judging will take place at Leatherhead Food Research on Wednesday 2nd April, when every ...

  • MM Awards judging 2014

    Meat Management Awards product judging underway


    The judging process for the 600 products entered into the Meat Management Awards 2014 has begun at Harper Adams University this week.With a record number of entries the judging period has been extended to three days. Chief judge, Keith Fisher, BPEX's butchery manager, said: "The myriad of products that this ...

  • Blacker Hall Farm Shop's winning team.

    Blacker Hall Farm awarded FARMA's best Farm Shop


    Multi award-winning Blacker Hall Farm Shop In Wakefield has been named the best in Britain.The Q Guild member has been chosen as the UK’s Best Farm Shop after being awarded the 2014 Farm Retailer of the Year title in annual awards run by FARMA, the National Farmers’ Retail & Markets ...

  • “A carelessly discarded ham sandwich is all it takes, or someone breaking the law and feeding kitchen leftovers to pigs,” said NPA chairman Richard Longthorp.

    Pig industry moves to red alert


    The British pig industry is on red alert, in a bid to prevent an outstandingly virulent pig disease from entering the country. Until more is known about transmission routes of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus, the industry is focusing in particular on a specialist feed ingredient for young pigs—spray-dried porcine plasma.NPA ...

  • News

    Industry sets out future agenda for low-carbon production


    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the future should go hand in hand with producing food for a growing population and delivering for the environment.This was the message during a workshop held by the agriculture industry’s Greenhouse Gas Action Plan (GHGAP) when policymakers, officials from the Committee on Climate Change, supply ...

  • Group shot of all the winners in the Regional Pork Product Excellence Awards

    Pork product winners in the East Midlands


    With 341 products from 51 butchers entered into the penultimate leg of the Regional Pork Product Excellence Awards last week, the East Midlands Roadshow has been hailed a great success.Lakings of Louth from Lincolnshire triumphed in the ‘Speciality Cold Eating Pork Pie’ category and went on to win the ‘Overall ...