All News articles – Page 86

  • Australia flag 1

    Industry response to proposed UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement


    It has emerged that the trade deal between the UK and Australia, announced this week, could lead to an immediate nearly ten-fold increase in tariff-free imports of Australian beef, and a potential doubling of lamb imports in the first year of the deal.The overall changes to Australia’s tariff-free access to ...

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    UK secures access to Japan's poultry meat market


    The Government has announced that UK producers now have access to Japan to export poultry meat, in an agreement estimated to be worth up to £13 million per year.The agreement reduces tariffs on frozen chicken cuts to zero over a number of years.Negotiations between the UK and Japan, the world's ...

  • Golden 1 Center MM

    World Butchers' Challenge to return in 2022


    The global battle of the butchers has been rescheduled to take place in California in September next year.The Golden 1 Centre in Sacramento, California, will host the World Butchers' Challenge.After falling victim to Covid-19 disruption in September 2020, the World Butchers' Challenge will now be hosted by the Golden 1 ...

  • David Peace

    MLCSL and Kepak agree deal to boost independent carcase classification


    Carcase classification specialist Meat and Livestock Commercial Services (MLCSL) has announced a seven-year contract to provide Kepak Group with three automated carcase classification machines in two of its UK plants. David Peace, MLCSL chairman.MLCSL, which was acquired by Vorenta Limited - which also owns Hallmark Veterinary Compliance Services – from ...

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    FSS addresses knowledge gaps in microbial quality of beef mince


    Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has published a new report to look at knowledge gaps around the microbial quality of beef mince sold in Scotland.The levels of microbiological quality in beef mince were "encouraging."Conducted in 2019 with 1,009 samples of beef mince on retail sale across the country, the report had ...

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    Antibiotic use in pigs fell by 5% in 2020


    A further 5% reduction in the use of antibiotics in pigs on UK farms last year has taken the total reduction since 2015 to 62%, the AHDB reports. This reduction was achieved despite pigs spending more time on farms than usual, due to problems posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and ...

  • mm award dinner 2019 MM

    Awards product deadline extended due to demand


    The Meat Management Industry Awards is heading for another record year, so organisers have decided to extend the product nomination deadline slightly to Thursday 17th June.Winning products will be revealed at the awards ceremony on 9th September.This extension is to allow as many companies and businesses to participate as possible.Editor ...

  • Scott Walker NFU Scotland MM

    Scotland's meat industry calls for more scrutiny on FTAs


    The chief executives of NFU Scotland, Quality Meat Scotland and the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers are among the signatories of a letter to the government, urging more industry consultation over Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).Scott Walker, chief executive of NFU Scotland, was among the signatories of the letter.A letter signed ...

  • ransomware cyberattack MM

    JBS USA pays hackers $11m to resolve cyberattack


    The world's largest meat supplier, JBS USA, has confirmed that it paid the equivalent of $11 million in ransom following the criminal attack on its IT systems at the end of May.Plants in Australia, Canada and the US were temporarily shut down last week after the ransomware attack, which the ...

  • Traditional British Sausages sign v2

    Sausage trade war brewing with Brussels


    Prime Minister, Boris Johnson is, this week, reported to be considering the extension of the Brexit grace period beyond June, which will allow Northern Ireland to continue to sell British sausages and chicken nuggets. The EU is warning that this has potential to spark a UK trade war.A post-Brexit arrangement ...

  • mm awards judging MM

    MM Awards product nomination deadline this Friday


    Organisers are reminding everyone that the product nomination deadline for the 2021 Meat Management Industry Awards is this Friday, 11th June.Product judging takes place at the Regional Food Academy located at Harper Adams University.Lead organiser Sharon Yandell said: “It’s the last chance to nominate products, which in turn offers participants ...

  • meat processing MM

    SAMW calls on government to address labour shortage


    Alan McNaughton, newly elected president of the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW), wants urgent action on existing and potential labour problems affecting Scotland's meat processors.McNaughton told the association's AGM that some member companies were already reporting a 10% to 12% shortfall in filling vacancies. He suggested that recent hot ...

  • ing red meat

    New government mentor scheme to boost red meat exports


    The Department for International Trade (DIT) will match experienced exporters with UK farmers and food companies looking to export for the first time, starting with red meat producers.Run in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and the National Farmers' Union (NFU), the mentoring scheme will provide practical ...

  • Iain Macdonald QMS MM

    Trade deals must consider impact of imports on Scottish beef producers, QMS warns


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has called attention to the sensitivity of Scotland's beef sector to imports, as the UK and Australia close in on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).Iain Macdonald, QMS senior economics analystWhile Scotland is a significant exporter of beef, QMS stressed the challenge of different supply chains demanding ...

  • HCC Welsh meat survey MM

    80% of Welsh consumers want to buy local beef, survey says


    A joint survey by Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and the Welsh government has revealed the majority of shoppers in Wales are 'keen to purchase' Welsh beef to support local farmers.The research also showed the most positive associations that shoppers had of the PGI Welsh Beef brand ...

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    New trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to cut pork and poultry tariffs


    The UK government has announced a new trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein that includes export tariff reductions and quotas on pork, poultry and other goods. Included in the deal, agreed in principle, are 'cutting-edge digital provisions' that the government stated will limit unnecessary paperwork and allow goods to ...

  • Bob Carnell MM

    ABP UK launches 'Homegrown' scheme to upskill workforce


    Meat supplier ABP UK has extended its Talent Academy with a new training and development programme, Homegrown, for current and future employees.Bob Carnell, CEO of ABP UKThe programme has been developed internally as part of the ABP Talent Academy, launched in 2016, which provides opportunities ranging from early career pathways ...

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    Susan White MBE - trade reaction


    The reaction from many people and organisations across the meat trade following news of the death of Susan White MBE has been substantial and, for Susan’s family, overwhelming.The family would like it to be known that in line with Susan’s wishes, the funeral, which takes place on 14th June, will ...

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    Lamb value sales rise while beef fails to match 2020 figures


    New figures from Kantar show the lamb market thrived in the 12 weeks to 16th May 2021, but primary beef sales declined compared with the high spending levels of the March 2020 lockdown. Compared to the same period last year, value sales of fresh primary meat and poultry dipped by ...

  • Moy Park Launches New Apprenticeship Scheme MM

    Moy Park launches engineering apprenticeship scheme


    Poultry producer Moy Park has announced a new four-year apprenticeship programme to develop the next generation of engineering talent.Stephen Spence, an engineering apprentice at Moy Park, supervised by Moy Park trainer, Jason Craig.The class-based curriculum has been developed with local colleges and training partners to deliver modules on the latest ...