The growing domestic market for Halal sheep meat presents a significant opportunity for the industry, according to AHDB Beef and Lamb.
Dr Phil Hadley, AHDB Beef and Lamb head of global supply chain development, said: “The Halal market is growing and represents an excellent opportunity for the industry, especially the sheep sector.
Earlier this month AHDB Beef and Lamb hosted a cookery and butchery demonstration at the Muslim Lifestyle Show at London Olympia, and this summer it will attend the Big John’s Mela event at Cannon Hill Park, to illustrate different cuts and how best to cook with them.
“After a very successful presence at the Muslim Lifestyle Show, the Mela festival in Birmingham will provide another platform to highlight home grown lamb to Halal consumers,” Hadley added.
“Our presence at these events is part of AHDB Beef and Lamb’s wider activity to highlight the role the Halal sector has to play in supporting the sheep meat and beef industry.
“We are also conducting consumer research to examine attitudes and decision making among Muslim customers when purchasing meat. It will help us focus future activity on supporting the sector, underlining our commitment to developing opportunities for Halal and maximising opportunities for the entire supply chain.”
Last year AHDB Beef and Lamb produced a Halal Meat Facts booklet with information on the size of the market in the UK and overseas, and what products the Muslim community looks for.
Muslims are said to consume around 20% of all sheep meat sold in England with consumption peaking around the Eid and Ramadan festivals.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.