A new AHDB guide has been produced to help the English pork industry maximise carcase value and minimise wastage.

Pork Yield Guide copy

The Pork Yield Guide is designed to give people working with pork a clear understanding of yield figures from farm to plate.

Traditionally, the pig carcase is divided into three primal cuts; the Forequarter, the Middle and the Leg. Each primal is then cut into a range of individual cuts and muscles, from which weights have been taken to calculate the overall carcase yield.

The guide sets out the weight of each cut and the percentage it contributes to the overall yield of the primal, giving a clear overview of the whole carcase.

AHDB business development manager and Master Butcher, Dick van Leeuwen, said: “In recent years the pork industry has made significant progress in increasing carcase utilisation, therefore improving returns to the whole supply chain.

“This guide will equip those working in the industry with an understanding of how individual cuts and primals contribute to overall carcase yield.”

?The Pork Yield Guide is available online here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.