Three senior operational appointments have completed the restructuring of the leadership team at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

Richard Laverick, AHDB chief technical officer.

Richard Laverick, AHDB chief technical officer.

Richard Laverick has been appointed as chief technical officer leading all the R&D and knowledge exchange work undertaken for the dairy, pork, beef & lamb, horticulture, potato and cereals and oilseeds sectors.

Tom Hind, AHDB chief strategy officer.

Tom Hind, AHDB chief strategy officer.

Former agriculture director at Tesco, Tom Hind joins as the chief strategy officer and will be responsible for leading on strategic planning, overseeing the relationship management with AHDB’s six sector advisory boards, and developing AHDB’s market intelligence offering.

New chief communications and market development officer, Christine Watts will develop a more joined up approach on AHDB’s export and domestic market development work and will bring in a step change around making AHDB’s advice and information more accessible both via digital and more traditional channels.

Christine Watts, AHDB chief communications and market development officer.

Christine Watts, AHDB chief communications and market development officer.

Jane King, AHDB chief executive, said: “I am delighted to welcome Tom, Richard and Christine. Together they bring a wealth of leadership experience and skills to our new top team, and will work with our staff to create a step change in AHDB activity. Our focus is firmly on delivering value for money, avoiding duplication and working smarter – taking us towards becoming a centre of agricultural excellence for our levy payers.”

Laverick, Hind and Watts will join King and the remaining two members of the leadership team, Chris Goodwin, chief finance officer, and Rebecca Geraghty, chief HR officer.

Both Laverick and Hind will begin their roles on 5th October. Watts’ start date has yet to be confirmed.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
