Previously published twice a year in hard copy as the International Meat Market Review, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is taking its latest intelligence on international meat production and consumption online.
The information is now either available, or soon will be, at the click of a mouse on AHDB (beef and lamb, plus pork) sector websites.
The levy board’s new family of country reports has already begun to appear on the BPEX (AHDB pig division) website, offering statistical information on the major pork trading nations.
Similar reports, providing information by country for major beef and sheep markets, will also be available by the end of the year via the EBLEX website. There are also future plans to launch global and European Union online summaries for each red meat sector.
The BPEX site now features reports on China, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain and the USA, with plans to add Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan and South Korea by the end of the year. Each report details the country’s production levels, producer prices, trade figures and market size, along with short, medium and long term trends.
“By moving this kind of market information online, these Country Reports can be constantly up-dated as and when information becomes available, providing levy payers and stakeholders with a more dynamic, readily accessible service than was previously offered by the print publication,” said Michael Archer, head of market specialists in the AHDB Market Intelligence team.
“Hopefully, by continuing to put the right knowledge at the fingertips of levy payers, we can help them maximise the value they can achieve from export markets.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.