Calling all purveyors of great bacon, the hunt is now on to find the nation’s best rashers!
As part of Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week, which takes place from 18th-24th March 2013, the ‘Great Bacon Revolution Awards’ are set to put premium cures firmly in the spotlight.The high profile competition is open to all retailers, butchers, chefs and manufacturers of quality assured bacon, including Red Tractor. It is an opportunity to increase awareness of not only your traditional and speciality varieties, but also your business by being able to shout about your award-winning bacon.
There are four categories of entry: Classic Dry Cure, Traditional WetCure, Smoked Cure and new for 2013, the ‘Revolutionary Rasher Award.’ This award will focus on innovation and those cures that push the boundaries of bacon-making, bringing real vibrancy to the sector.
Finalists will be invited to attend a prestigious awards luncheon in London on 18th March, which will also mark the official launch of Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week with the celebrity ambassador for 2013 (to be revealed at a later date).
BPEX butchery and product development manager, Keith Fisher, said: “Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week is a unique platform to educate consumers about different cures and drive wider understanding of the quality assured supply chains that help deliver great bacon to their plates. And what better way to do so than by showcasing and rewarding the very best varieties available today?”
Competition entry forms will be issued directly, but can be requested by emailing or are available to download now from
The closing date for paper entries is 27th January, after which samples will be judged by a panel of experts including the legendary Ladies in Pigs and leading food experts.
For more information and updates about Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week 2013, visit
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.