Beef & Lamb New Zealand is to close its office in the United Kingdom as part of a new market development strategy.

Beef & Lamb New Zealand chairman, James Parsons.

Beef & Lamb New Zealand chairman, James Parsons.

The organisation will also be closing permanent offices in South Korea and Japan in favour of what they describe as ‘more flexible resources’ based in New Zealand.

Beef & Lamb New Zealand will continue to have a base in China and will also continue to work internationally with partner organisations including meat companies, Meat Industry Association, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.

The new strategy will also not affect the Beef & Lamb New Zealand office in Brussels, which will continue to focus on maintaining trade access arrangements and international relationships in Europe.

James Parsons, Beef & Lamb New Zealand’s chairman, said: “We consulted widely over 12 months, running numerous focus groups and workshops and the result is quite a fundamental shift in approach, strongly supported by meat exporters and farmers.

“We are confident the new approach will drive greater impact for farmers on every levy dollar invested. While New Zealand’s beef and lamb products are well positioned in consumers’ minds, farm gate returns are still not satisfactory and an area we can influence is how we better position our products in consumers’ minds.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.