According to National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS) almost 50% of the country’s beef herd is likely to be enrolled into the Beef Efficiency Scheme for its first year.
A last minute surge in applications saw 179,000 beef cows from 2000 farmers included in the new five-year £45 million rural development scheme which aims to improve efficiency, sustainability and quality of the beef herd whilst helping producers increase the genetic value of their stock and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
With applications still to be processed, NFUS expects the final figure for cows in the scheme to be close to 50% of eligible animals. To be eligible, a beef cow must have had a calf registered on the ScotEID database in 2015.
NFUS president Allan Bowie said: “From a standing start, the Beef Efficiency Scheme will encompass around half of the eligible beef herd in year one. That is an important step towards maintaining the premier league position of Scotch beef.
“But with half of the eligible herd yet to sign up, we are keen for the Scottish Government to make positive changes to the scheme, making it more attractive to all cattle farmers.”
The Union will press for a second round of applications to the scheme to be considered along with a call to increase the funding for the scheme, so that payments can be extended from three years to the full five-year term.
Additionally NFUS is looking to attract more small herds to participate and is seeking rule changes that allow the scheme to recognise expanding and new herds.
“We want to see more herds enrolled, the scope to bring in new farmers to the sector and the need for those who are expanding to be properly supported,” Bowie continued. “To make the scheme more accessible to as many producers as possible, changes to the tagging options for those selling weaned calves should also be considered.
“There remains a job to do for all parties committed to making BES a success, including Scottish Government, in explaining all aspects of the scheme to existing and potential applicants. That said, this is a positive start.
“Scotch beef is the cornerstone of our red meat sector but we cannot be complacent. The measures looking at efficiency and genetic improvement are already on the radar of some of our major competitors, including the Irish.
“It is refreshing that so many Scottish beef producers have embraced BES, sending out a positive signal that our iconic beef sector is looking firmly to the future.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.