Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that the BSE ban on British beef in China would be lifted within the next six months, as part of new measures to improve market access in China and remove barriers to trade.

Speaking at a joint conference in the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square with the Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, May noted that the two countries had agreed to intensify what was described as a “golden era” in relations between them.

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She added that trade between the countries was already worth £59 billion a year, with another £9 billion of exports contracts set to be signed during her three-day trade mission in China.

May stated: “I am pleased that we have agreed to intensify the golden era of UK-China relations. The UK and China are both global powers with a global outlook.

“You made reference, Premier Li, to the UK leaving the EU and as we do so we become ever-more outward-looking, and as China continues to reform and open up, we are committed to deepening our strong and vital partnership.”

Earlier in November, the UK had been given the green light to ship pork products to China, following a successful inspection by Chinese authorities.

Announcing that deal, AHDB had identified China as a “very high” potential market for UK pig meat exports.

China is also the UK’s biggest customer aside the EU, importing 40,000 tonnes of UK pork and 36,000 tonnes of UK offal in 2016.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.