National Farmers Union (NFU) president, Minette Batters, will challenge the Government to show global leadership on international trade and insist that British farm standards are the benchmark for any food imports in future trade deals.

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NFU president, Minette Batters.

As part of the NFU’s annual conference, Batters will highlight the gulf between the high animal welfare and environmental standards British farmers adhere to and the lack of equivalent regulation around the world.

In her speech, Batters will say: “For the first time in decades, this country has the opportunity to shape a trade, immigration and agricultural policy which will define our country for decades to come.

“This year the Government must show global leadership, insist that UK farm standards are the benchmark for climate-friendly farming around the world and that whoever wants to trade with us, trades on our terms. We must not allow those standards to be undermined by imports of goods which would be illegal for our farmers to produce here.

“In other parts of the world abattoirs use chlorine or other chemicals to wash carcases – this is not allowed in Britain because we have legislation on the way we keep our livestock which limits stocking density. We have rules on biosecurity, lighting, diet and veterinary oversight.

“In the US and other countries there are no federal controls on what are deemed in the UK to be fundamental welfare requirements.

“And in Japan, Australia, China, Canada, Brazil, Malaysia and India the use of antibiotics is permitted for growth promotion.”

Batters’ speech comes at a poignant time in the debate surrounding food import standards, after newly-appointed Defra secretary, George Eustice, refused to rule out importing acid-washed chicken from the US as part of a future trade deal with America.

“What is Government waiting for? What is more important to our economy, our health and our environment than the very food that we eat?”

Batters continued: “This isn’t just about chlorinated chicken. This is about a wider principle. We must not tie the hands of British farmers to the highest rung of the standards ladder while waving through food imports which may not even reach the bottom rung.

“If the Government is serious about animal welfare and environmental protection and doing more than any previous Government, it must put legislation in the Agriculture Bill.

“What is Government waiting for? What is more important to our economy, our health and our environment than the very food that we eat?”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.