Levy payers and stakeholders can now keep up with the latest developments from AHDB Beef & Lamb following the launch of chairman updates after each board meeting.

Short videos presented by Adam Quinney, chairman of the Beef & Lamb sector board, will give a summary of the agenda items discussed at the bi-monthly meetings soon after they have taken place.

Adam Quinney.

Adam Quinney.

Providing transparency and the opportunity for levy payers to keep abreast of the topics being discussed were the drivers behind the new initiative. This is an important factor as all but one of the board members are levy payers.

Adam said: “As a farmer myself I understand that communicating how levy money is spent is hugely important. The decisions made by the Beef & Lamb sector board are an important step in that process and by updating stakeholders on the topics at hand, it will demonstrate that we share the priorities of the industry.”

The first video update was launched recently, highlighting topics discussed at the March board meeting.

These include AHDB’s organisational restructure, research and development priority aims and work being done to improve meat eating quality. To cover all work done by the levy body, each meeting is allocated different areas of the organisation to address.

The videos can be found on the levy board’s YouTube channel, Beef & Lamb TV , and will be shared across social media.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
