The latest Meat, Fish and Poultry (MFP) figures from Kantar Worldpanel for the 12 weeks ending 9th October have revealed that chicken is the only major category still showing volume growth, with beef and turkey moving from growth in the last period to decline.

Raw chicken drumsticks

According to Kantar Wordpanel chicken volumes grew 6.4% year-on-year, however beef volumes fell 1.4%, lamb volumes fell 11.2%, pork volumes fell 8.1% and turkey volumes dropped 2.4%.

Despite the changes in exchange rates and the on-going uncertainty around Brexit, prices are still falling and driving value to lag behind volume in all meat and poultry categories. Kantar Worldpanel does, however, expect to see some categories see inflationary rises as the cost of raw materials and imports rise.

Nathan Ward, business unit director for MFP, commented: “Chicken has the fastest volume growth in primary meat and poultry with half a million more shoppers buying more often this year. Breasts and legs are still the categories stimulating volumes in chicken, with growth coming from non-promoted sales driving volumes.

“Fresh beef has moved into decline despite falling prices with shoppers’ repertoires slightly smaller this year,” Ward continued. “Roasts are driving the decline and may have been affected by the unseasonably temperate weather compared with last year. Mince growth has slowed, but steak continues to perform strongly through non-promoted sales.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.