The latest Livestock & Meat Commission (LMC) Northern Ireland bulletin has been released and major Northern Irish processors have indicated that demand for beef has been subdued during much of the start of this year, with current supplies of prime cattle meeting demand for beef.
According to the report, prime cattle throughput in Northern Ireland during 2016 to date has totalled 80,641 head, a 6.5% reduction on the corresponding period of last year.
However, there has been an increase in average carcase weights year on year, which has offset some of the decline in throughput.
The figures refer to the UK retail beef data from Kantar for the 12 week period ending28th February 2016. During this period, the LMC has reported that expenditure on beef totalled £558.7 million, a 1.8% decrease from the corresponding period in 2015.
The total volume of retail beef sales also recorded a decline. The period in reference saw 70,507 tonnes sold, a 2.1% decrease from 71,988 tonnes of retail beef sales during the same period in 2015.
Volume sales of roasting joints recorded the most notable decline with a 7.2% drop during the 12 weeks ending 28th February 2016 when compared to year earlier levels.
Volume sales of stewing beef recorded a 1.1% decline over the same period, while volume sales of mince declined by 1.7%.
Retail sales of frying and grilling steaks did however increase by 2.1% during the 12 week period. Volume sales of beef marinades also increased.
Volume sales of chilled ready meals containing beef increased by 3.5% yet volume sales of burgers, frozen ready meals and frozen pies all recorded notable declines.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.