A new report published by Policy Exchange has called for Government to urgently place food security at the heart of Industrial Strategy and plans for growth.

Cattle in Field

Source: IngImage

Policy Exchange reiterated that “farming remains vital” but food security should encompass the whole food ecosystem.

The think tank found that over half of food and drink manufacturers believed mitigating supply chain risks was a “significant concern” for their business.

It said previous food security initiatives had “focused too narrowly on agriculture”, and stated that “while farming remains vital”, a strategy that encompasses the whole food ecosystem - including food manufacturing, logistics and retail - would be “essential” to keep products on shelves and prices down.

Recommended next steps for Government

The report, titled ‘Strengthening the UK’s Food Security: Innovation and investment in the Food Manufacturing Sector’, recommended a number of changes, covering areas such as investment, innovation, regulation and international trade. Some recommendations include:

  • Development of a National Food Security Strategy encompassing the entire food ecosystem.
  • Incorporating the whole food ecosystem into Government programmes, policies and funding opportunities rather than being “narrowly focused” on agriculture.
  • Establishing a new Food Security Transformation fund focused on technology investment across the food ecosystem.
  • Fast-tracking any approvals for products that have already been approved by trusted regulatory regimes in countries outside of the UK.
  • Making it easier for food suppliers to modify their inputs during periods of geopolitical disruption.
  • Encouraging the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to make strengthening global food security an increasing focus of the UK’s development spend.

Supporting the report, Sharon Hodgson MP, former Shadow Minister for Public Health and former vice chair of the Food and Drink APPG said: “I welcome this timely new Policy Exchange report. Food security is one of the major challenges policymakers currently face, and the most vulnerable in our society are those who suffer the most. I particularly welcome the focus on innovation to combat food waste, something which I have frequently championed and supported. I urge the Government to carefully take note of the important recommendations contained within this paper.”

“Challenges lie ahead which need investment if our food system is to remain secure.”

Karen Betts, FDF CEO

CEO of the Food and Drink Federation, Karen Betts, said: “We welcome this insightful report from the Policy Exchange, which rightly puts food and drink at the heart of Whitehall policymaking. The UK has a highly sophisticated food system, which supports everyone’s daily lives by providing a wide range of affordable, safe and nutritious food and drink. But we must not take it for granted.

Meat packaged

Source: iStock

The report highlighted the importance of including food manufacturing in the Government’s food security initiative.

“Challenges lie ahead which need investment if our food system is to remain secure – from the innovation needed to tackle climate change, raise productivity, and invest in new products, to keeping prices fair for suppliers and consumers, and ensuring the UK strikes the right balance between domestic production and trade. Taking the right policy decisions now, weighed across Whitehall departments and as recommended by Policy Exchange, will lay the foundations for UK food security into the future.”