Meat Business Women, the networking group for women working in the UK meat industry, is to host its fourth forum on 4th October at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall, London, featuring business woman and TV personality, Margaret Mountford, as the key note speaker.

Margaret with Penny

(L-R) Penny Tomlinson of Fairfax Meadow, Master at the Worshipful Company of Butchers Stuart Thompson and Margaret Mountford.

Mountford, who used to be one of Lord Alan Sugar’s advisers on BBC show The Apprentice, will be amongst the seminar’s speakers, as she is currently chair of Argent Group Europe, owner of one of the UK’s largest catering butcher, Fairfax Meadow.

Joining Mountford on the platform will be Cranswick’s Group HR director, Miranda Walker, who will give insight into how the company has made its business appealing to new talent.

There will also be an opportunity for delegates to learn about the latest update on meat market trends, in addition to networking with other members of the industry.

Former Meat Management editor, Pam Brook, one of the founding members of the Meat Business Women group, commented: “We are now in our third year and the tremendous response we have had from previous events demonstrates that women in the meat industry clearly see the benefits our networking forum can provide.

“We feel it is important to nurture female talent already in the sector, assist in making it attractive to women and offer them a genuine networking platform.

“Having Margaret join our panel of speakers is a real coup and I am sure she will inspire our members and offer food for thought as to why women are good for business and business is good for women!”

Tickets to the forum can be purchased here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.