Keith Fisher (F. Inst. M), one of the most well-known faces in the British meat industry, is to retire from his post as The Institute of Meat chief executive at the end of March.
Fisher took up the post of Institute of Meat CEO in 2010 whilst also working as butchery and product development manager with AHDB and previously MLC, where, in total, he enjoyed a 43-year-long career.
During his tenure as CEO, Fisher has not only provided professional advice on the design and development of the award-winning butcher apprenticeship standards but has also awarded more than a thousand talented meat industry apprentices via the IoM Annual Prizegiving. Together with Institute of Meat chairman, Bill Jermey, Fisher managed the IoM Master Butcher programme, resulting in 80 exceptional butchers achieving Institute of Meat Master Butcher (MB. Inst. M) status so far.
Though Fisher will be stepping down as CEO, he will retain responsibility as chief moderator of the IoM Master Butcher programme, as well as continuing as chief product judge. With an active schedule of judging appointments in the year ahead, including the Meat Management Meat Industry Awards, Fisher says he will continue to uphold the ethos of the Institute of Meat – championing education and promoting the highest standards in butchery.
“It has has been a great honour and privilege to have been given the opportunity to take the organisation forward.”
Keith Fisher (F. Inst. M)
Reflecting on his time with the IoM, Fisher said: “From the moment that Bill Jermey appointed me as CEO of The Institute of Meat it has been a great honour and privilege to have been given the opportunity to take the organisation forward.
From graduate member in 1970 to CEO in 2010. I am also extremely grateful for the support that I have been given from all sectors of the meat and food industry and hope that support will continue for my successor.”
Dave Smith appointed as new CEO
When Bill Jermey, then chief executive of The Meat Training Council (now ftc), took over The Institute of Meat as chair, his first move was to appoint Fisher as chief executive, something he describes as “one of my best decisions”. Going forward, Jermey says he is delighted to welcome Dave Smith, who will be taking over the baton from Keith Fisher as IoM chief executive from 1st April.
Dave Smith, commercial manager with ABP UK, and the winner of the prestigious Meat Management Excellence Award in 2018, started out in the retail sector and, after five years, joined the ABP group, where he has held numerous positions, including boning hall manager, technical manager and group technical liaison manager. Today he manages the ABP Master Butcher Training Programme, which won the ‘Best Company Training Scheme’ award at the IoM and Worshipful Company of Butchers Prizegiving in February this year.
Smith became a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Butchers in 2011, an Institute of Meat Accredited Master Butcher in 2014 and was awarded the highest honour of Fellow of the Institute of Meat in 2023.
Commenting on his appointment, Smith said: “I’m thrilled to have been asked to take up this prestigious post and aware that I have some very big boots to fill. Keith is an industry legend, and I have huge respect for him. I’m looking forward to taking the reins of The Institute of Meat and leading its continued development as a professional body; rewarding excellence and providing a valued forum for members to share knowledge and expertise for the benefit of the entire meat industry.
“I would like to thank my employers ABP, who are fully supportive of me taking on this role.”