The latest Meat, Fish and Poultry (MFP) figures from Kantar Worldpanel have been released, and show volume growth across the board.

The report covers the 12 week period ending 6th November 2016, and shows that all macro categories are back in volume growth, except sliced cooked meats.

Within fresh primary meat and poultry, chicken and beef are the major categories growing in volume.

Scotch Beef.

Fresh beef has moved back into growth, with more shoppers buying more frequently.

Steak and mince are the key drivers of volume, with roasts moving back into growth after a depressed autumn period.

Nathan Ward, business unit director for MFP, said: “Promotions are a key driver of growth, with promotional volumes up 10% on last year, as TPRs dominate promotions.

“Chicken remains the category to beat in terms of volume growth and has moved into value growth this period.

“Roasts, particularly whole birds, have come back to growth in the latest period, whilst legs and breasts continue to show strong shopper led growth.”

The Kantar report indicates that the decline of turkey has accelerated at an unexpected time of the year, and pork and lamb are seeing over 300,000 fewer shoppers buying them, further driving down sales.

The next Kantar Worldpanel data release will be published in four weeks’ time and will start to reflect the build up to Christmas.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.