The Livestock and Meat Commission in Northern Ireland (LMC NI) has reported a 6.9% year-on-year decrease in calf registrations in January 2024.

Calf Registrations LMC NI Copy

LMC said that the Aberdeen Angus would remain a “top choice” in 2024 despite registrations declining.

Using data from the Northern Ireland Food Animal Information System (NIFAS), LMC confirmed that a total of 40,587 calves were registered in January 2024, back 6.9% from the corresponding month last year.

LMC agricultural market analyst Claire McAnearney said: “Calf registrations are down across the board for all breed categories, but what we have seen is that Aberdeen Angus is likely to remain a clear top choice of sire selection going into 2024.”

McAnearney referred to registration statistics that point to a marginal decline of 2.2% year-on-year for Aberdeen Angus (AA) sired calves registered for the month of January in NI.

Claire McAnearney LMC agricultural market analyst Copy 2

Claire McAnearney, LMC agricultural market analyst.

She said: “The second most popular calf breed in the opening month of this year was Limousine, followed closely by Charolais. Early indications show that we are unlikely to see any major shake up to these leaders for sire choice in the early part of 2024.”

LMC stated that like the beef sector, the dairy sector also recorded a decline in calf registrations during the aforementioned period. It said that January had totalled 25,733 head of beef sired calves, a drop of 7% from January 2023, and 14,584 head of dairy sired calves, back 6.7% from January 2023.

McAnearney concluded: “The opening month for 2021, 2022 and 2023 recorded year-on-year increases in the number of calf birth registrations, making 2024 the first change up for books in some time.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.