Machinery and equipment supplier Marel hosted around 250 guests at its Progress Point test kitchens in Copenhagen on Thursday 5th March for its annual Meat ShowHow day.

The Meat ShowHow was launched four years ago by Marel and has been growing in popularity with its customers and potential customers alike. Last year it moved to the new purpose built Progress Point facility in Denmark which offers visitors an opportunity to see demonstrations, hear presentations, arrange meetings and to network with others from Europe and further afield.

The Progress Point is also the venue for the popular annual Salmon ShowHow and, for both meat and fish industries, the facility is used by Marel to help customers trial and test products and to evaluate the benefits of individual equipment and full line systems. These systems can demonstrate the processing of meat and meat products from carcase intake and raw material, through to packaging and product dispatch.

Graeme Rolinson

Marel's Graeme Rolinson: "Meat ShowHow is becoming an increasingly important date in the meat industry calendar."

This year at ShowHow production lines were operational for beef steak, pork sausage production, marinated pork products, schnitzel, minced meat and burgers.

Following a welcome from managing director (Meat) David Wilson, live equipment and system demonstrations were on-going throughout the day. Keynote speakers Neal Matthews of Genius PIC, Albert Vernooij of Rabobank and Gordon Butland of G&S Agriconsultants were well received and there were a range of Marel presentations covering meat in a tray case study, deboning and trimming with the emphasis on efficiency, traceability and sustainability, plus trim handling, further processing, Innova software solutions and mixing and grinding.

The activities at the Progress Point were followed by evening dinner and entertainment for those wishing to stay longer, or overnight.

Graeme Rolinson the Marel general manager - UK & Ireland Sales and Service – commented to Meat Management, which was the only UK based meat publication to attend ShowHow: “This year we have had a strong focus on demonstrating lines that cover the entire value chain. We have increasingly found that our customers and potential customers find a real value in attending this dedicated event. Apart from presentations given by a number of Marel’s meat industry specialists, we are fortunate to also have presentations from Neal Matthews who is discussing the role of swine genetics in the sustainability of the pork industry, Albert Vernooij who is reviewing developments in the global meat industry and Gordon Butland, who is giving a fascinating insight into changing consumer trends, including food safety and environmental issues.

“I know I can speak for the entire Marel team in saying we are delighted with this year’s attendance. Meat ShowHow is becoming an increasingly important date in the meat industry calendar and the facilities available here at our dedicated Progress Point are second to none when it comes to helping our customers to innovate new ranges, or to gain efficiencies and product improvements in existing lines and activities.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.