A reduction in meat and dairy consumption was cited as part of the Government’s new, ambitious revised green house gas (GHG) emissions target to achieve a 78% reduction by 2035.

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The CEO of the Sustainable Food Trust, Patrick Holden, was keen for a distinction to be made between sustainable meat production and industrial meat consumption: "It's encouraging to see the Government ramping up measures to combat climate change. As the Climate Change Committee rightly recognises, industrial meat consumption is a big part of the problem for climate, nature and health. However, stopping eating all meat is not the answer.

"Grass fed livestock, rotated with crops, are part of the solution to climate change, building soil heath and helping sequester carbon. It makes sense then, that sustainable meat-eating should be a key part of emissions reduction planning. To aid transition towards a truly sustainable UK meat industry, each of us need to use our buying power to support farmers who are doing the right thing for the environment. That means buying locally where possible, and opting for high-welfare, mainly grass fed meat."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.