Meat Management magazine hosted its own teddy bear competition on Friday 9th November in aid of Children in Need 2018.

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Meat Management magazine hosted a teddy bear competition to raise money for Children in Need.

The team ran a competition to raise as much money as possible for Children in Need.

Each team member working on the magazine brought in a teddy bear to the office, and the soft teddies were all laid out on display.

Staff had one vote each, and could choose which was their favourite teddy bear.

Ivana Perkins won top prize with her teddy bear 'Gatsby', and she was awarded a bottle of champagne.

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Ivana Perkins and Graham Yandell with the winning teddy 'Gatsby'.

The runner up, Gareth Davies and his teddy 'Chimmy' also received a vintage bottle of Cava to enjoy.

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Runner up Gareth Davies, Graham Yandell and his teddy 'Chimmy'.

Graham Yandell, the publisher of Meat Management commented: “Everybody loves a teddy, and we had a brilliant range of teddies brought in.

“We had lots of fun, and raised some money for a very worthy cause. The pizza we had delivered was also good too!”

Children in Need takes place on Friday 16th November, and will be featured on BBC television throughout the evening.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.