Primary meat and poultry products are feeling the strain, despite the afterglow of summer in the latest meat, fish and poultry market update (MFP) covering the 12 weeks to 9th September.

Shoulder Noisette Joint Lamb Forequarter L010 m

Red meat, particularly lamb, has fallen into decline in the latest MFP update.

The latest Kantar Worldpanel update shows that whilst the UK had one of its hottest summers on record, there was a surge in spending in the grocery market overall, and the long hot summer may also have had an effect on the MFP market.

Spend in the category looks to have been driven by quick and convenient foods, consumed at barbeques and picnics, with burgers, sausages and sliced cooked meats all seeing strong growth.

Results show although there has been good performances from barbeque staples, red meat has fallen into decline across beef, pork and most strongly, lamb; which lost 857,000 shoppers year-on-year with 3.2 million fewer trips.

Nathan Ward, business unit director for MFP, explains: “Difficulties with supply both at home and abroad have contributed to rising prices which are up 48p per kilo - a 6% increase.

“The only cut in value growth for lamb is in leg joints, driven by prices. The volume of sales on promotion in lamb is down 46%, now accounting for 11% of all sales, compared to 25% of all sales in primary meat and poultry.

“Empty nesters and the retired are the core shoppers for lamb but contribute the most to the losses.”

The market update shows beef at a strong decline (-6.5%) but has retained its buyer base, despite being picked upon 2.7 million fewer trips.

Roasts (-28%) and mince (-7%) are also driving the volume decline, as both attract fewer shoppers.

However steak remains a positive driver of growth (+10%), supported by 37% more volume sales on promotion.

With a mild autumn followed by a cold winter on the horizon, it leaves the question with what this means for the meat market.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.