More Scottish and British lamb is making its way onto retailers’ shelves in Scotland, National Farmers Union (NFU) Scotland has confirmed.
The Union has been encouraging retailers to consider extending the season for Scottish or British product, highlighting that a few weeks at the start or end of their normal season for buying home produced lamb would make a significant difference to the sheep sector.
Currently retailers Aldi and Lidl exclusively stock Scottish lamb all year round, whilst NFU Scotland has said Morrisons also sells home produced lamb throughout the year.
Marks and Spencer sold early new season lamb in UK stores over the Easter period, and it is expecting a new season changeover from imported to home produced in the first week of June.
The Co-operative is also extending the season for domestic lamb, now aiming to start stocking in mid-June, whilst Sainsbury’s began stocking new season home produced lamb in late March, with the beginning of July marking the period that it will be sourcing 100% domestic, NFU Scotland has reported.
The Union says it remains in dialogue with Tesco.
NFU Scotland livestock chairman Charlie Adam said: “It is a tribute to the hard work of Scottish sheep farmers that we are starting to grow the home market for Scottish lamb by extending the domestic lamb season.
“There is positive progress and while the farming industry strives to increase sales of succulent Scottish lamb through all outlets, it is welcome that it is now appearing on more supermarket shelves for more weeks in the year.
“Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons and a great many local butchers show what can be achieved in terms of supporting Scottish sheep producers throughout the whole year. Others are starting to respond and we will continue to work with all retailers to see what can be done to increase their domestic lamb offering.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.