As part of an official celebration, the first spadeful of earth has been turned for the construction of a new factory at TVI Entwicklung und Produktion GmbH in Bruckmühl/Germany. Multivac has held a majority share in TVI since 2017.

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L-R: Peter Urban (authorised officer PEM), Thomas Ennsberger (managing director PEM), Alois Allgaier (CEO TVI), Guido Spix (CTO/COO MULTIVAC), Christian Traumann (CFO Multivac), Richard Richter (Mayor of Bruckmühl), Thomas Völkl (CEO TVI).

A complex covering around 9,000 square metres of available space will be built there, and will include an office building and customer centre, as well as the production hall.

Completion is planned for May 2020, and the total investment amounts to approx 17.5 million euros.

The product portfolio includes solutions for tempering, pressing, portioning and automating, as well as grill stick winders and equipment for producing kebab skewers.

A large number of guests took part in the celebrations at Bruckmühl, among them Richard Richter, Mayor of Bruckmühl, Alois Allgaier and Thomas Völkl, the two CEOs of TVI, as well as Multivac directors, Gui-do Spix (CTO/COO) and Christian Traumann (CFO).


A complex covering around 9,000 square metres of available space will be built.

“The portioning machinery business unit is developing in a very satisfactory manner. By investing in the new factory, we are facilitating the expansion of our product portfolio and at the same time enabling TVI's leading position in precision meat portioning to be consolidated,” explained Guido Spix, CTO and COO of Multivac.

“The number of employees is due to increase from the current 120 to around 250 in the coming years.” he said.

The new centre of excellence for meat portioning will include a production hall of around 5,600 square metres for the pre-fabrication as well as logistics, warehouse and development departments.

The new factory will use a deep-well system to ensure that the building is cooled by ground water.

A two storey customer centre covering an area of around 1,400 square metres, including several demonstration rooms and a customer lounge, rounds off the new complex.

“This will enable us in future to offer our customers the ideal conditions for discussing and demonstrating our high-performance portioning solutions under real conditions,” said Thomas Völkl, CEO of TVI.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
