EBLEX has boosted its export team with the appointment of Jonathan Eckley as its new marketing executive.
His role will include management of the trade development programme in selected markets, delivery of marketing publications and maintenance of databases of importers and market research. He will also provide commercial assistance to exporters.
Jean-Pierre Garnier, EBLEX export manager, said: “We are very pleased Jonathan is joining us. He brings a high level of communication and data management skills which will be fully used in the challenging times ahead.
“Following strong growth of exports of livestock products to £2.34 billion in 2011, we are facing new challenges. We are rapidly expanding the number of countries in which we operate and we face the continuing need to added value on beef and lamb exports at a time when they already achieve high prices on the European and world markets.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.