The newly appointed Board of Directors of Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) – Meat Promotion Wales has convened for the first time and has agreed to swiftly begin developing strategic plans for the Welsh red meat sector after Brexit.

HCC17049 New HCC board to set bold vision to navigate challenging times for agriculture

The new HCC Board of Directors at its first formal meeting in Aberystwyth.

HCC’s ten new directors were selected following a public appointments process led by Welsh Government. The new appointees have wide experience in agriculture, processing, food marketing and retail.

Kevin Roberts, former director general at both the National Farmers’ Union and the Meat and Livestock Commission, will chair the board on an interim basis, until a permanent chair is appointed this summer. Other members include Barrie Jones, Catherine Smith, Claire Louise Williams, Gareth Wynn Davies, Helen Howells, Huw Davies, Illtud Dunsford, John T Davies, Ogwen Williams and Rachael Madeley Davies.

Roberts commented: “Our red meat industry, based around iconic brands, such as Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef, which are known all over the world, is facing a period of unprecedented change.

“Contemplating a future outside the EU, there are opportunities to come together as an industry to find distinctive Welsh solutions to ensure that agriculture and food production is profitable and resilient.”

Revealing the board’s vision in the run up to Brexit, Roberts explained that “HCC has a full programme of activity planned for this year, working with a wide range of partners in the industry and Welsh Government”.

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, noted: “There is no doubt Brexit will present our red meat industry with significant challenges as over 90% of Welsh red meat exports currently go to the European Union.

“It is crucial, therefore, we have a strong and dynamic team to take this hugely important work forward.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
