Graham Baker was today (13th September) elected as Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) at the annual Common Hall ceremony in London. He will be heading up the meat trade’s livery company over the next year.

The annual election for Master and the new Court of the WCB took place at Ironmongers’ Hall, London, whilst the usual venue of Butchers’ Hall is out of commission for refurbishment. The ancient ceremony followed a church service held at The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew The Great, located near Smithfield Market.

A procession of the outgoing Court and Master was watched by interested spectators when it made its way to and from the Ironmongers Hall and St Bartholomew’s church.

Common Hall is followed by a convivial lunch attended by Court members and Liverymen together with guests.

Master Graham Baker

Graham Baker is the new Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers.

About Graham Baker

Graham runs Butcher’s Pet Care, a real success story which has achieved the number two market share position in canned pet food from small beginnings.

A well-known liveryman with a reputation for caring about the meat trade, Graham has an industry heritage going back many years.

Butchers Pet Care now produces around six million units of pet food every week, which equates to enough to feed ten pets every second. The business uses more than 200 tonnes of products from the meat and poultry industry every working day.

Graham has six children and is married to Liz. Like many in the meat industry he enjoys shooting with friends and to go racing. He has been involved with The Prince’s Trust and is also a past winner of the Meat Management Excellence Award.

Graham said: “I am very much looking forward to my year in office and it was a great honour to be proposed. This is an important time for the Worshipful Company of Butchers as we continue to refurbish Butchers’ Hall whilst maintaining our key focuses of Charity, Fellowship and Education.”

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The procession of the outgoing Court.

The full court for 2018/19 is confirmed as follows:

Master – Graham Baker

Wardens – Andrew Parker, Margaret Boanas, Derek Berry, Christopher Wood, John Jones

Assistants – Patricia Dart, Stuart Thompson, Geoffery (Geoff) Gillo, Timothy Dumenil, Gwyn Howells, Stephen Chick, Peter Allen, Timothy Stone, William (Bill) Jermey, David Baker, Anthony Stanton, Robert (Rob) Yandell, Rachel Griffiths, Robert (Bob) Bansback OBE, Alan Thompson

Reserve – Peter Robinson

Re-elected to the Court was Rob Yandell, a director of Yandell Media Group which publishes Meat Management magazine.

Rob said: “I am honoured and delighted to remain on the Court for the next year and look forward to continuing to play a key part in Meat Management’s contribution to this historic organisation.”

Rob Yandell

Rob Yandell has been re-elected to the WCB Court.

Irish ambassador becomes honorary liveryman

Just one week before Common Hall, outgoing Master Geoff Gillo hosted his final Court Lunch.

At the Court Meeting ahead of the meal, the Irish Ambassador to the UK Dan Mulhal became an honorary liveryman and freeman.


The Irish Ambassador to the UK Dan Mulhal pictured with outgoing WCB Master Geoff Gillo.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.