Pilgrim’s UK has committed to using “fully verified, zero-deforestation sustainable” soya to feed its pigs by 2025.
According to Pilgrim’s UK, the company currently accounts for 99% of all the responsibly sourced soya supplied in Europe since 2019.
As part of its Pilgrim’s UK 2030 sustainability plan, the business has committed to going further in ensuring all the soya in its pig diets is sourced through sustainable methods that do not harm the natural environment.
The business has carried out a series of trials to support the reformulation of its pigs’ diets, sourcing practical alternatives where possible. Pilgrim's UK has said that it is working closely with its supply chain partners to set up further trials, planned for later this year.
Pilgrim’s UK is a member of the UK Round Table for Responsible Soya (UKRTRS) and sits on both the UKRTRS steering group and the UKRTRS working group for physical supply chains. The company is also a signatory of the Cerrado Manifesto Statement, a supporter of the Amazon Soy Moratorium and a founding partner of the Soy Transparency Coalition.
"Clear targets and ambitions to drive change"
Matt Dight, head of sustainability at Pilgrim’s UK, said: “We are extremely proud to have taken a leading role in developing discussions and initiatives in this space, as well as trialling more innovative alternative proteins in our pigs’ diets.
“We know that methods of soya farming can have a harmful impact on the environment, and the meat industry has a responsibility to remove soya produced in this way from its supply chains. Through our Pilgrim’s UK 2030 sustainability plan we are leading the way in this area, with clear targets and ambitions to drive change within the next decade.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.