According to Rabobank’s World Pork Map 2018, global pork trade is set to continue growing, however will become more complicated and will see more competition arise.

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Global pork trading is expected to increase and become more competitive.

Rabobank's World Pork Map shows global pork production and consumption and the extent of the largest pork trade flows around the world.

The largest exporters are the EU, US, Canada, and Brazil, which are increasingly competing in the same markets.

Jan Peter van Ferneij, Rabobank senior animal protein analyst, commented: “Global pork trade flows continue to change, both for exporting countries and destination countries.

“And the pork products being traded also continue to adapt to the changing demand.”

China has become an important destination for pork and by-products too, whilst other Asian destinations have also increased their demand for imports.

These destinations are reportedly buying an ever-broader range of products, from low-value products such as by-products, to products with high added value.

Russia has almost disappeared as an importing country since 2014 but in the future could start competing in world markets as an exporter too.

Pork production is evolving differently around the globe, with each major producer taking steps to differentiate its exports to become more competitive than the next.

According to the pork map, competition in pork trade will intensify in the coming years and competition will increase to obtain the best carcass values.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
