Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has been awarded £125,000 to help fund a new marketing and public relations campaign “Go Places with Pork”, to promote Specially Selected Pork.

Kate Rowell Alan Clarke QMS pork mascot and Fergus Ewing

L-R: QMS chair Kate Rowell, QMS chief executive Alan Clarke, QMS pork mascot, and QMS rural economy secretary Fergus Ewing.

The campaign is set to launch early in the New Year, following support from a grant from the Scottish Government.

The campaign will highlight pork as a ‘healthy and easy-to-cook ingredient which is also great value for money at a time of year when shoppers are watching their cash and healthy eating.’

The “Go Places with Pork” campaign, will launch on January 21st, and will include TV, radio, print and billboard advertising as well as a major digital and social promotional push.

Rural Economy secretary Fergus Ewing said: “Specially Selected Pork is farmed and produced in Scotland and is valued for its high-quality provenance.

“I am delighted to award £125,000 to enhance Quality Meat Scotland’s ‘Go Places with Pork’ campaign to promote the brand further and to encourage more people to buy and eat this healthy and tasty source of protein.

“This funding aims to contribute to the delivery of the strategy I launched at this year’s Royal Highland Show to double the value of the pork industry in Scotland by 2030.”

Alan Clarke, chief executive of QMS, welcomed the funding which he said is a major boost for the Scottish pig industry.

“This additional funding will make a huge difference to what we can deliver for the Scottish pork industry. We have a very innovative and exciting campaign which will be unveiled in January and we are delighted to be taking Specially Selected Pork to TV as part of the campaign.

“Our pork industry has a huge amount to be proud of in terms of their innovation and commitment to animal welfare and the result is a healthy, nutritious and tasty source of protein which is one of the most versatile food ingredients around,”

The new marketing campaign ties in with the strategic objectives for pork marketing set out in the “Scottish Pig Industry Strategy” launched at the Royal Highland Show this year.

This strategy also includes an ambition for the pork industry in Scotland to double its value by 2030, a target in line with the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership’s Ambition 2030 target to double food and drink turnover in Scotland.

James Withers, chief executive of Scotland Food & Drink said: “This is a significant boost for our pig industry and it is timely too. The industry has shown its ambition to grow with the launch of its recent strategy and central to future success is a strong brand.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
